Send your completed ads to Leah Ackerson
Should you have any questions, please contact Kevin W. O’Connell
Reservations may be made by calling the hotel at (757) 366-5700 and refer to the Dalmatian Club of America National Specialty or code DCANS
Regular room rate after this date
Sun and Moon Ranch is providing the mounted rental horses for this event. Their phone number is (803) 389-0972.
Checks or Money Order issued in US funds made payable to Sun and Moon Ranch must arrive by 5:00PM CDT
Sponsor a Trophy
All Entries except Day of Show for Fast CATS & Barn Hunt (on space available basis)
Tests Available: CHIC DNA, Microchip, OFA Eye Examination, OFA Thyroid profile.
Agility contact Shannon Jones by 6:00PM EDT
Scent Work contact Laurie Isaacson by NOON PDT