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Spotter Memorial Ads

Would you like to place a memorial ad for a deceased club member in the Spotter? Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with the process as outlined below.
The organizers of the ad may collect donations themselves or direct payment to DCA.  If to DCA, the donations for the memorial ad can be made by check, payable to DCA, or via the Spotter Memorial Ad Donation item in the DCA store.
Donations made through DCA will be used to cover the cost of running the ad in the Spotter magazine. Any excess funds collected by DCA will be donated to DCAF and recorded as “Friends of (the human or canine being memorialized)”.  No lifetime giving credit nor tax receipt acknowledgement letters can be provided to individuals for these excess funds.
Should you wish to have excess funds used for any purpose other than a donation to DCAF, then you, as the ad sponsor, must collect the funds yourself, and pay the club for the ad.
As the ad sponsor, you are responsible for the ad creation and the design costs. If you are unable to create a finished ad file, there are several ad designers listed on the Spotter website who can design the ad for you. No funds collected through DCA can be used to pay for the designer’s fees, as this is not a club expense. You may want to ask a friend or two to join together to cover the ad design cost, or solicit a designer willing to design the ad in exchange for being listed as a donor.
DCA is not a 501 (3) (c) entity. Funds donated towards a memorial ad are not a charitable donation.
When you make the announcement to solicit donations for the memorial ad, you should state how the donations may be made, and what will happen to any excess collected funds.”