Holly Waldrop
The Greatest Show on Dirt!
You’ve probably seen it on TV. It’s fast, it’s challenging, it’s dog agility! Agility is one of the fastest growing dog sports in the United States, with over a million entries in AKC trials every year. Dalmatians are well-suited to the sport and not just because agility has its roots in equestrian show jumping. With their inherent intelligence, speed, and athletic ability, most Dalmatians love playing the game!
An agility course usually has 14-21 obstacles, such as jumps, tunnels, weave poles, see-saws, and dogwalks. The goal is to complete the obstacles in order within a set time. Since each course is different, the dog relies on the handler to direct the team successfully through the course.
AKC agility competition has levels beginning with the very basic Agility Course Test (ACT) all the way up to the Master Agility Champion (MACH), Preferred Agility Champion (PACH), and Agility Grand Champion (AGCH). If you’d like to check out agility to see if it might be fun for you and your Dal, check with an AKC club near you here. They can help you find a class to train both you and your dog as well as to (Find an Agility event near you.) Check out a trial soon. You’ll probably spot a Dalmatian in the competition!