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Copper Storage Disease

Dalmatian CSD Study Update:

In January 2022 DCAF approved additional funding to analyze data from two rounds of sequencing on 16 dogs (13 Dalmatians and 3 Bedlington Terriers).  Using their DNA collections, the research team will be checking candidate gene variants from the whole genome sequencing data of additional copper toxicosis-affected dogs. The data is comprised of relatives to affected and healthy controls.

To date, the researcher’s manual assessment of variants has ruled out several gene variants linked to CT in other breeds. This means that Dalmatian breeders do not need to consider currently available genetic tests for CT in other breeds. This is encouraging as the research is narrowing in on the genetics of CT in the Dalmatians.

A conclusion to this study is anticipated later in 2022.

The Link Provided below Dr. David Twedt Dalmatian Presentation 

Canine Liver Disease Support Group:

The canine liver list is for owners of dogs who currently have or has had a dog with some type of liver disease.  This can range from infectious hepatitis survivors to portosystemic shunts to chronic active hepatitis.  This list is mainly for support of the owners not for providing the type of medical advice a vet can provide.  Each case is individual and the treatment for liver conditions is complex, so what is true for one may not be true for another dog.  You can join this discussion group by joining on-line.

The link provided below.



Study Group on Copper Storage Disease 

  • Ann Ball, Director  Email: Ann Ball
  • Barb Allison
  • Jeff Gillespie 
  • Sue MacMillan
  • Tracie Tepke
  • Elizabeth Zedel
  • Debbie Zink