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Cindy Greene’s “Murphy” MBISS GCHB CH Olympus and Enchanted Hart Drop Kick Murphy CAX FCAT CGC TKN FITB (photo credit Mark L. Baer/MLBaer Photography)



If your club is thinking about holding either a CAT or FAST CAT event and you have questions or need help organizing your event, please contact one of the DCA Coursing Committee members.

Committee Members
Jina Simpson
Mark Leamen

Coursing: It’s Not Just For Sighthounds Anymore!

Does it seem that your Dalmatian is really Elmer Fudd in a spotted costume and only focused on chasing those “wascally wabbits”? If so, then coursing sports might just be what you both need to challenge that boundless enthusiasm.  This sport tests your dog’s instinctive prey drive and is perfect for Dalmatians.  There are two different coursing events- Fast CATs, a 100-yard dash and CATs, 600-yard figure eight course.  Dalmatians love this sport and have multiple titles in both events.  DCA held its first Fast CAT trial at the 2019 National in Huron, Ohio. Since then, Fast CATs has been offered at every national.  Many all-breed clubs, dog training clubs and some of our regional Dalmatian clubs are licensed to hold these events.    Check the links for regional Dalmatian clubs that annually offer either Fast CATS or CATS.

Cindy Greene’s “Maeve” CH Pure Cntry N Emerald’s Tara Road CA DCAT CGC FITB (photo credit Renee Deal/Groove Star Studio)


Jeana Winterbottom's "Maddie" CH Woodwynd Dalmatians All in Good Time FDC CAX FCAT16 SCN SIN SBN RATO CGC TKI ATT
Jeana Winterbottom’s “Maddie” CH Woodwynd Dalmatians All in Good Time FDC CAX FCAT16 SCN SIN SBN RATO CGC TKI ATT

Maddie (CH Woodwynd Dalmatians All in Good Time FDC CAX FCAT16 SCN SIN SBN RATO CGC TKI ATT) is the highest-titled Dalmatian in Fast CAT in the United States with a FCAT16

Read about Jeana Winterbottom and Maddie’s journey in Fast CAT here.

Regional Dalmatian Clubs that currently offer Fast CATs or CATs

Greater Pittsburgh Dalmatian Club   

Chicagoland Dalmatian Club 

Dalmatian Club of Greater St. Louis 

Dalmatian Club of the Piedmont   

Delaware Valley Dalmatian Club   

Click here for AKC Fast CAT Rankings by breed and year:

Fast CAT Resources:

AKC Fast CAT Coursing 

AKC Fast CAT Regulation Resources

Coursing Ability Test (CABT) FAQ

Jina Simpson's "Nuke" GCH Brooksides Minit Man CAX8 BCAT SWN SCA SEA CGC TKI (photo credit Steve Surfman/Steve Surfman Photography)
Jina Simpson’s “Nuke” GCH Brooksides Minit Man CAX8 BCAT SWN SCA SEA CGC TKI (photo credit Steve Surfman/Steve Surfman Photography)

Taco (GCH CH Snapshots Dont Spill The Beans RN FDC CAX27 DCAT SWE SCM SHDN RATO DN CGCA CGCU TKP ATT VHMA FITG) became the first and only dog (all breeds) in the world to earn the CAX27

Read about Linda Davis and Taco’s journey in Coursing here.