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Dalmatian Distance Log Program

In order to recognize the endurance capabilities of the Dalmatian, the Dalmatian Club of America has enacted a membership recognition program to encourage and reward club members who spend a significant amount of time logging mileage with a Dalmatian in an approved endurance activity.

Any DCA member in good standing, who registers yearly for the program and keeps an official log (“Distance Log Record”) of mileage traversed in any of the listed activities with any Dalmatian, will receive recognition from the Road Trial Committee, according to the number of miles logged.

Jennifer Staton Stoesz finishes the 2024 year with 2,692 miles with her Dals. The most for this year’s program. Total miles with the program 21,549! (Platinum XX)

Lorie McCrone is the highest achieving DDLP participant with a total for 2024 of 1,967 miles and a Lifetime DDLP mileage of 35,219! (Platinum XXXIV)

Lorie McCrone spends about 1/2 of her mileage riding and 1/2 walking. She is a member of a hiking club and they hike year round (always with their dogs.) The horse miles were in preparation for the fall road trial. Lorie and company did the RDX. Here is Lorie with her horse Avalon and her Dalmatians Soulryde's Irish Tapestry, FDC DCAT CC RD CGCA CGCU TKN FITG "Keely" and RDCH RDXCH Lucas Legend & Redrock's Irish Princess, CC RD RDX CGC ThD TKN BCAT "Sara"

Lorie McCrone spends about 1/2 of her mileage riding and 1/2 walking. She is a member of a hiking club and they hike year round (always with their dogs.) The horse miles were in preparation for the fall road trial. Lorie and company did the RDX. Here is Lorie with her horse Avalon and her Dalmatians Soulryde's Irish Tapestry, FDC DCAT CC RD CGCA CGCU TKN FITG "Keely" and RDCH RDXCH Lucas Legend & Redrock's Irish Princess, CC RD RDX CGC ThD TKN BCAT "Sara"

Toni Linstedt logged 2,102 miles for 2024 with a lifetime of 21,072 miles! (Platinum XX)

GCH Juju's Bewitching Bailiwick "Baili" pictured at 15 years, 9 months. Toni attributes Baili's longevity to her daily walks.

GCH Juju's Bewitching Bailiwick "Baili" pictured at 15 years, 9 months. Toni attributes Baili's longevity to her daily walks.

Approved Mileage Activities:
The DCA member may record mileage traversed when he/she participates with a Dalmatian in any of the following activities:

Road Trials
Horseback riding
Cart/carriage driving
Bike riding
Cross-country skiing, snowshoeing

Enrolled members may record mileage from any combination of the above activities. Members may petition to have an alternate activity approved by sending a written request to the Road Trial Committee.

Time Period:
Members may enroll in the program at any time during the year and must enroll annually. Awards will be calculated by the calendar year, January 1 through December 31 of each year. The Distance Log Record will be due and (e)mailed to Rosie Branaman for Distance Log Program by January 31 of the following year.

Enrollment and Fees:
Members may enroll by filling out the Enrollment form and mailing to Rosie Branaman, along with a yearly recording fee of $25.00. (includes short sleeve t-shirt) You may also email your Enrollment form and distance log record and pay via the shop ($1 convenience fee). Click here to submit your enrollment on-line. Once clicking the send button on the form, you will be directed to the shop to submit your payment.  A long sleeve t-shirt option is available for an additional $5. Shipping in the United States is included in the recording fee. Canadian please add $5, International $10.

Levels of Recognition:
Enrolled members who accumulated 100 miles or more with their Dalmatian during the calendar year will receive awards at the following levels of recognition.

Bronze 100  miles
Silver 250  miles
Gold 500  miles
Platinum 1,000  miles (accumulative year to year)


Enrolled members who accumulate 1000 miles over a period of years will receive an award for the Platinum Level of recognition. Members may reach the Platinum Level more than once, and will be recorded as Platinum I, Platinum II, etc.

Recognition and Awards:
Members who obtain one of the recognition levels during the calendar year will receive a certificate of achievement, and a t-shirt. Bronze, silver, gold, and platinum achievers will have their name and the name(s) of their dog(s) printed yearly in the Spotter.

Fequently Asked Questions

Program Contacts:

Rosie Branaman
1624 Kiwi Ave.
Boone, IA 50036-7146

Peggy Strupp
PO Box 22
11539 Hwy 16
Crane, MT 59217


Click here to submit your enrollment on-line. Once clicking the send button on the form, you will be directed to the shop to submit your payment.

If you want to send your log and enrollment form manually, click here to submit payment.