Junior Showmanship
Being a Junior is a great way to learning sportsmanship and developing knowledge of the Dalmatian. The Junior learns sportsmanship, ring procedures, and grooming and showing techniques specific to the Dalmatian he or she is showing, and develops a close bond with the dog. Junior Showmanship can also be an apprenticeship in dog handling, preparing young people for careers in dog handling, raising, and training.
Shari Knoche
222 E. Remington Rd.
Athol, ID 83801
(208) 699-8220

As a Junior member of DCA you are eligible for the following benefits:
- Dalmatian Club of America Scholarship Award. A $500.00 scholarship awarded each year to a qualified and deserving DCA Junior Showmanship Member.
- The top winning Junior Handler (must be a DCA member) showing a Dalmatian for the previous year is presented with a Bronze Medallion. The AKC Statistics will be used to determine the top Junior Handler of the Year in Dalmatians. This award will be presented at the annual banquet if possible.
- The Dalmatian Club of America will provide a stipend for the AKC National Championship Show and/or the Westminster Dog Show of $250. To be awarded to each Junior member of DCA who qualifies for and competes at the AKC National Championship and/or Westminster Dog show showing a Dalmatian. Timely application for this stipend will be the responsibility of the Junior.
- Junior DCA members will receive a copy of the Spotter.
- Discounted Spotter Advertisement.
- Membership cost is $10.00 per year.
Juniors must be between the ages of 9 – 18 years old and have a DCA member as a sponsor.
Dalmatian Club Of America Junior Showmanship National Stipend
The DCA is offering a stipend of $100 to any junior who competes in Junior showmanship class at the Dalmatian National, providing the following criteria is met:
Stipend Criteria:
- The Junior must be a DCA member for a complete year as of the 1st day of the National attended.
- The qualifying Junior must show proof of competition at the National.
- The Junior must have shown a Dalmatian in all Junior classes.
The applicant must complete and return the DCA Junior Showmanship National Stipend Request form with supporting evidence of participation to the Junior Showmanship Chairman. Said requests must be postmarked within one month after the final date of the National.
Great news for all Juniors! In May the DCA Board approved a stipend of $250 for all qualifying Juniors that attend the AKC National Dog show ( Dec.) and/or Westminster KC (Feb).
Please review the criteria and see if you qualify.
It’s a great way to offset the cost of attending these shows!