Erin and Prestige Dalmatian Litter Expected on 3/12/25
Listing date
CH Erin’s Changing of the Guard x GCH Prestige N’ Erin’s Full Circle
We are so excited to announce our upcoming litter between Jackson and Lucy. We are so excited to see what this combination will produce! We are expecting beautiful breed type as well as confident and sweet temperaments. We expect these puppies to excel in conformation, performance, and as wonderful family companions.
Listing Type
Breeder (or listed by)
Bailey Echols
Location City
Location State (or Province)
Birth date or expected birth date (for a litter listing); or age (if an older dog)
Both sire and dam of this litter have CHIC numbers
—– Sire & Dam —–
—– Sire —–

Sire’s Registered Name
CH Erin’s Changing of the Guard BCAT
Sire’s health clearances
BAER,OFA Hips,Eyes,Elbows
Sire’s CHIC #
—– Dam —–

Dam’s registered name
GCH Prestige N’ Erin’s Full Circle BCAT
Dam’s health clearances
BAER,OFA Hips,Thyroid,Elbows
Dam’s CHIC #
—– More Breeder / Lister Information —–
I’ve been a DCA member since
I agree to abide by the DCA Ethical Guidelines
AKC Breeder of Merit?
I require a written contract:
Club Memberships:
Dalmatian Club of the Piedmont
Dogs I’ve bred are titled in
Conformation,CAT / Fast CAT,Obedience