2023 Trophies
Click here to sponsor a trophy
- Best of Breed - Wilton Armetale Flutes and Pearls Large Oval Tray
- Best of Opposite Sex - Wilton Armetale Flutes and Pearls Rectangular Tray
- Select Dog - Wilton Armetale DCA Pitcher
- Select Bitch - Wilton Armetale DCA Pitcher
- Best of Winners - Wilton Armetale Flutes and Pearls Pitcher
- Best Owner Handler - Wilton Armetale Flutes and Pearls Pitcher
- Winners Dog - Wilton Armetale Scallop Oval Tray
- Reserve Winners Dog - Wilton Armetale Flutes and Pearls Round Tray
- Winners Bitch - Wilton Armetale Scallop Oval Tray
- Reserve Winners Bitch - Wilton Armetale Flutes and Pearls Round Tray
- Best in Sweeps - Wilton Armetale Scallop Oval Tray
- Best Senior in Sweeps - Wilton Armetale Flutes and Pearls Medium Oval Bowl
- Best Junior in Sweeps - Wilton Armetale Flutes and Pearls Medium Oval Bowl
- Best in Veteran Sweeps - Wilton Armetale Flutes and Pearls Rectangular Tray
- BOS to Best in Veteran Sweeps - Wilton Armetale Flutes and Pearls Rectangular Tray
- Best in Futurity - Wilton Armetale Acanthus Oval Tray
- Best Senior in Futurity - Wilton Armetale Belle Mont Deep Oval Bowl
- Best Junior in Futurity - Wilton Armetale Belle Mont Deep Oval Bowl
- Best Junior Handler - Wilton Armetale Flutes and Pearls Oval Tray
- Reserve Junior Handler - Wilton Armetale Flutes and Pearls Bowl
- High in Trial Obedience - Wilton Armetale Flutes and Pearls Large Oval Tray
- High Combined Score Obedience - Wilton Armetale Flute and Pearls Large Round Tray
- High in Agility Standard - Wilton Armetale Belle Mont Rectangular Tray
- High in Agility Jumpers With Weaves - Wilton Armetale Flutes and Pearls Rectangular Tray
- High in Road Trial - Wilton Armetale Western Oval Tray
Not all pictures are accurate depictions of the size or shape of the piece.
View trophy sponsors here (as of 04/02/2023):